Home » News » 10 Social Media Tips to Boost Your Dating
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Check it out – about 30% of folks on social media use it to snoop on someone they’re interested in dating. And get this, 15% have even used it to ask someone out! Some people go all out, creating Pinterest boards with pics of cute restaurants, holiday gift ideas, or even dream vacations. It’s like giving potential dates a sneak peek into who they are.

Nowadays, most dating apps let you take a peek at someone’s other social media profiles. It’s kind of become the norm. That’s why knowing your way around social media can really up your dating game. Here are 10 must-know tips for rocking social media and boosting your love life:

5 Do’s

  • Show You’re Available: Make sure your relationship status is set to single. Who knows, your digital crush might just be waiting for a sign to make a move.
  • Share Your Fave Hangouts: Post pics of restaurants or dishes you love. It could give your date ideas for a romantic dinner or a cool place to take you.
  • Check Out Their Connections: Take a peek at their LinkedIn or Facebook to see if you have mutual friends. It can be a great conversation starter and kinda serves as a digital thumbs up.
  • Clean Up Your Digital Closet: Got pics with your ex? Time for them to go. Your potential new flame will likely be checking out your photos.
  • Cast a Wide Net: Look for love on both dating apps and other social media platforms. Your options are endless!

And 5 Don’ts

  • Don’t Overshare Your Dates: Posting about every date might give off the wrong vibe – like you’re not ready to settle down or you’re just into casual dating.
  • Don’t Be a Hug Monster in Pics: If your profile is full of pics of you hugging everyone, it might not scream “I’m ready for a long-term relationship”.
  • Avoid Being a Negative Nancy: Constantly complaining on social media? Not a good look. It might just send potential dates running for the hills.
  • Don’t Be a Social Media Stalker: Liking and commenting on everything they do? Yeah, you might want to tone it down a notch.
  • Don’t Jump to Conclusions: See a pic of your date with someone else? Chill! It might just be a friend or a cousin.

At the end of the day, social media is a big part of the dating game. So, put yourself out there and explore the digital dating world – there’s plenty of fish in the social media sea!

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