Home » News » Dating app scams are becoming a real problem!
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Watch out, folks – dating app scams are becoming a real problem! It seems some shady dates are tricking their matches into footing massive bills at fancy bars. Here’s the lowdown:

In Pune, a guy met his Bumble match at a local bar, only to be hit with a whopping ₹22,000 bill for fancy hukka and wine. He felt pressured to pay, fearing physical threats. Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj, an activist, shared a similar story: “Guy matches with girl on @bumble, meets at Gypsy Moto Pub, gets a ₹23K bill, and is threatened to pay up or face trouble.”

Then there’s this 25-year-old in Delhi. He met a girl on Bumble, went out for drinks, and got stuck with a ₹15,886 tab. He paid up but later realized he’d been scammed when the girl disappeared and didn’t answer his calls.

So, how do you stay safe while online dating? Bumble suggests these six tips:

  1. Meet in Public: This is a no-brainer. Always pick a public spot for your dates.
  2. Tell a Friend: Let someone know where you’ll be and check in with them at a set time.
  3. Do Your Homework: Get their full name, do a bit of online sleuthing, and use Bumble’s photo verification to make sure they’re legit.
  4. Keep Private Info Private: Hold off on sharing personal details like where you live or work.
  5. Pre-Date Checks: Have a quick call or FaceTime before meeting up.
  6. Exit if Uncomfortable: Remember, it’s totally okay to politely bail if the date feels off.

Stay alert and stay safe out there!

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