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Toxic Personality Test: Am I Toxic? - 10-Question Quiz
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Do you often find yourself belittling or criticizing others?

Do you often find yourself belittling or criticizing others?

How often do you deflect blame onto others instead of taking responsibility for your actions?

How frequently do you manipulate people to get what you want?

How frequently do you manipulate people to get what you want?

Do you feel envious when others succeed or achieve something?

How often do you exhibit controlling behaviors in your relationships?

How often do you exhibit controlling behaviors in your relationships?

Do you often use anger or intimidation to get your way?

Do you often use anger or intimidation to get your way?

How frequently do you play the victim to gain sympathy or attention?

How frequently do you play the victim to gain sympathy or attention?

Do you often ignore or invalidate others’ feelings, thoughts, or opinions?

How often do you lie or exaggerate to make yourself look better?

How often do you lie or exaggerate to make yourself look better?

Do you usually prioritize your needs and desires over those of others?

Do you usually prioritize your needs and desires over those of others?
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