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Does your partner often talk about themselves and their achievements more than anything else?

Does your partner often talk about themselves and their achievements more than anything else?

Does your partner often seek admiration or validation from others?

Does your partner struggle to empathize with your feelings or those of others?

Does your partner struggle to empathize with your feelings or those of others?

When criticized, does your partner become defensive or retaliatory?

When criticized, does your partner become defensive or retaliatory?

Does your partner frequently belittle or undermine others to feel superior?

Does your partner frequently belittle or undermine others to feel superior?

Do they often make decisions without consulting or considering your feelings?

Do they often make decisions without consulting or considering your feelings?

Does your partner often play the victim or twist narratives to avoid taking responsibility?

Does your partner often play the victim or twist narratives to avoid taking responsibility?

Do they frequently make grandiose claims about their capabilities or future achievements?

Do they maintain superficial relationships and focus primarily on people who "serve a purpose" or "offer something"?

Do they maintain superficial relationships and focus primarily on people who "serve a purpose" or "offer something"?

Do they react with jealousy or possessiveness when you spend time with others or achieve something?

Do they react with jealousy or possessiveness when you spend time with others or achieve something?
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