Home » Is My Boyfriend Cheating on Me?
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Has your boyfriend been more secretive with his phone lately?

Has your boyfriend been more secretive with his phone lately?

Do you notice him spending more time outside without explaining his whereabouts?

Do you notice him spending more time outside without explaining his whereabouts?

Has he become less interested in intimacy or closeness with you?

Has he become less interested in intimacy or closeness with you?

Does he seem distant or less emotionally available when you talk?

Have friends mentioned seeing him with another person frequently?

Have friends mentioned seeing him with another person frequently?

Has he started to care more about his appearance suddenly (like new clothes, grooming habits)?

Has he started to care more about his appearance suddenly (like new clothes, grooming habits)?

Does he get defensive or avoid answering when you ask about his activities?

Does he get defensive or avoid answering when you ask about his activities?

Have you noticed unfamiliar belongings (like jewelry, perfume scent) on him or in his space?

Have you noticed unfamiliar belongings (like jewelry, perfume scent) on him or in his space?

Does he avoid making future plans or commitments with you?

Have you felt a gut feeling or intuition that something is not right in your relationship?

Have you felt a gut feeling or intuition that something is not right in your relationship?
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