Stuart Rudner

Stuart Rudner

Hello readers! My name is Stuart E. Rudner. I am an independent legal expert specializing in family matters. For now, I am providing materials on the legal side of relationships for TheWeekBehind, although my story of working in the legal sphere and providing help on family matters began long ago. 

I graduated from the Law School at the University of Michigan with a master's degree in 2014. During my studies, I chose to specialize in family affairs, since it was quite close to me: I got married very early, and, as you guessed, I got divorced early, too. Immersing myself in these topics became a legal salvation for me since I knew how the divorce process would go. 

In addition, this experience gave me the idea that I could not only provide legal assistance to people in family matters. I decided that I could put my experience and skills in writing. So, in 2017, I devoted myself to courses on writing, and in 2018, I received my first offer as a legal writer for an independent magazine. There, I wrote several articles on the topic of relationships from the legal side of the issue. In my arsenal of topics were works about legality and marriage with mail order brides, difficulties of divorcing, and many others. 

My work is not limited to writing only. I still work as a legal consultant, helping people resolve divorce disputes, as well as assisting international couples in solving legal issues regarding fiancé(e) visas, application processes, interviewing, and so on.

Over time, working as a writer and legal advisor, I met Willie Mason, Editor-in-Chief at TheWeekBehind. He was impressed with my work and offered to become a team member of this dating source. I couldn’t help but accept this offer as it totally represents my values and interests. I already see the fruits of my work: hundreds and thousands of website viewers use the hacks and advice we provide on our source. I hope that our efforts help people and will help you to upgrade your dating life.

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